Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Years!!!!!!!!!!!  Hope everyone brought the New Years in with a big bang!!!  As always the New Year has me thinking of resolutions and the many possibilities they bring.  First thing first is of course my attempt at a craft blog and I’m looking forward to putting together my first tutorial, anticipation…………….  Decisions decisions what will it be?  Patients is a virtue and we all know I have patients, bum bum bump, okay so I’m a little lame.  

Before I can start anything I need to embark on the journey of becoming organized.  I’ve been blessed with my own crafting area, it had nothing to do with my supplies overtaking the apartment and keeping hazards from a small mobilized person.  None the less it’s my very own space to do as I please.   I must admit shame to the mess that it has become; it’s nothing short of an unloading zone at the moment.
I have an amazing fabric stash that seems to keep growing and growing.  This seems like the first logical step in executing my resolution.   I managed to get a bit of a head start with this one, but then life with a toddler kicked in and multiple projects that Santa needed a hand with over the holiday season.  Since I love to share my finished projects, here's a few of my favorites:

Chef Set
Vintage Style Nightgown
Rag Dolls and Rattle Dolls

While surfing the web for a solution to the stash problem I came across this wonderfully ingenious tutorial and got to work.....................

Cleared a large area in my living room and laid out piece by piece,  took my trusty old yard stick and began measuring.  Fold, roll, bind, and tape there really isn't much more to it then that.
It is a very time consuming and monotonousness project.

more and........
more fabric....
The end results well worth it, wouldn't you say?!?!?

Did she say the end?  Not even close.............  She's crafty might just be a more elegant way of saying she's a hoarder.  My lovely grandma loves to feed into my addiction and often picks up fabric at the church sales she frequents, with more than a few good finds and at a steal of a price at that.  Add that to fabric sales and thifting, my stash is overflowing.  In there lays the need for further organization and storage.  Fortunately I have a few ideas up my sleeves, can't wait to share.

Anyways back to the resolution deal, because you just can't have one.  Like many of us I have a few extra pounds I can shed around my waist, I don't do diets, though really should work on less snacking and adding healthier foods to the menu, a slightly more active lifestyle wouldn't hurt either.  The romance department while not lacking could use a little more time dedicated to it, I'm thinking maybe date night at least once a month.  And last but not least make time for my besties Jass and Leslie.  If only there was more time in the day, this would all be a piece of cake!!!  So in retrospect, my resolutions work on organization and time management.

Once more Happy New Years to you and yours!!!!!  I wish everyone many blessing this year, and hope 2012 brings great things!!!!  We're off to start the year off right with great friends and family with the years first of many Fun Day Sundays at the Orrs!!!!


  1. Congrats on starting your blog! I am visiting from BBC CSMamas! I am your newest follower!

  2. Thanks I love to share my ideas!!!
